
把经验 & 点击前的人:虚拟世界的设计


广告技术 游戏
广告技术 游戏


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Cary Tilds, Chief Strategy Operations Officer at Frameplay, explores the significance of an uninterrupted (non-clickable!) gaming experience and puts her self in the shoes of a gamer, game developer, and advertiser


I sit down on my couch exhausted from my day of running around with my kids, 工作, 在我家修东西. I open my phone, quickly scan my social channels and my texts. 没有什么紧急的事引起我的注意. I sink further into my chair and open my favourite video game app. 目前,我喜欢玩体育游戏. 这可能是因为奥运会正在举行,我受到了鼓舞. Also, it might be because it’s easy, and I don’t have to invest too much. The games take me from my day-to-day and allow me to escape and just play for a while. 

While I play my games, I don’t want to be distracted by anything else. 我只想享受我的内容. 我被画面迷住了. I enjoy the simplicity while at the same time the cinematography of it all.  

我玩的游戏是免费的. 我不想为他们付钱. 我有时会在玩游戏之前或之后看到广告, but while I am playing the game I do not want to be bothered by ads that require me to “x” out of them. I have no intention of clicking on the ads while I am playing my game! If there are ads, I want them to make the design of the game look real.  


I sit down at my computer and login to check on how my game is resonating with our gamers. I look at the metrics to see if the gamer session time is holding steady, growing or decreasing. 我检查一下我的广告有多少收入.  

I don’t like putting too many ads around the gameplay as I know gamers don’t like to be disrupted with advertising. Ads that are next to or around my game have the ability to be clicked on. 我不喜欢那样. 这会让玩家远离我的游戏.  

The feedback from our gamers is that they like playing our sports games and hope we add more levels soon. In order to do that, we need to grow our monetisation efforts.  I struggle with this because I don’t want to put too many ads around or next to the game because gamers don’t like their game disrupted.  

Since gamers shouldn’t click on ads while they are playing our game, I decide to use intrinsic in-game ads as a way to monetise my game. 我必须确保我保护了玩家的体验. The intrinsic in-game ads from Frameplay make my game look more realistic. 此外,游戏内置广告无法点击. 这让玩家沉浸在游戏中. 每个人都赢了.     


The data is so resounding that the demographics of a gamer has changed significantly over time. I was surprised to learn the average gamer is 34 years old - men and women alike. 这正是我的品牌需要触及的受众. 游戏的规模也是巨大的! 有2个.7 billion gamers, playing on average over eight hours a week in the US, for example. This means gaming is a significant audience I need to reach. 

I’ve learned that my current digital planning and creative strategies shouldn’t be used “as is” to connect to gamers while they are playing their games. Much of my other digital plans surround buying commercial time or commercial breaks, 通常以视频的形式. The big “ah-ha” for me is to learn that when gamers are immersed within their gameplay, they don’t want commercial breaks or calls to actions asking them to stop their play and “click for more information!“他们想继续玩自己的游戏.  

Recently, I’ve learned about intrinsic in-game advertising with Frameplay. Frameplay has earned the trust of significant gaming studios that make the most fantastic cinematic and engaging games. I love the idea that intrinsic in-game ads are similar to the idea of branded content where our brand can be placed seamlessly inside of the game itself without disrupting the performance or the experience of the game. Plus, gamers expect relevance to the game and prefer to see real-life brands over ‘fake’ ones!

I don’t need to use clicks to measure the value of my ad placements. 点击会破坏游戏玩法. 这会对我们的品牌产生负面影响.  而不是, I can use existing brand lift and attribution to conversion measurement techniques I already use to value the return on investment.  当我们接近游戏频道时,大家都是赢家!


When we put the gamer experience first while they are actively playing their games, everyone can win. When we try to apply antiquated digital measurement techniques to advanced, 虚拟体验,比如游戏世界, 我们失去了. We support the IAB UK initiative to “don’t be a clickhead” as it supports getting intrinsic in-game advertising right for the gamer experience. 



Frameplay is a global in-game advertising leader headquartered in San Francisco, 加州与全球办事处和团队支持NA, EMEA, 拉丁美洲, 和亚太地区. Frameplay enables game developers to easily place impactful advertising intrinsically within video game environments without disrupting the gameplay performance or experience. 其结果是扩大了广告商的品牌曝光率, 开发者的额外收益, 而且是令人愉快的, 不间断的游戏体验. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 www.frameplay.gg.

发布: 2022年2月8日星期二